Who We Are
Full Resumes
 Marvin Siflinger
 Eleanor White
 Charles Eisenberg
Sample Engagements

Housing Partners, Inc.
142 Galen St. – Suite B
Watertown, MA 02472

Office:   phone (617) 924-7240 x13
email:  msifling@housingpartnersinc.com
Cell:  508-353-0043

Recognized as a national leader with over 55 years of experience in the field of public administration and  housing and community development.  Successful senior management experience relating to organizational development and reinvention, strategic planning, annual business planning, staff development, profitability and media relations.


HOUSING PARTNERS, INC., Watertown, MA                                                     1995-Present

      A recognized leader in the field of public administration and housing and community development who has advised numerous public and private clients throughout the country.  Clients in this area have included the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Puerto Rico Housing Finance Agency, the City of Boston, the Housing Authorities of Detroit (MI), Fall River (MA), Lowell (MA), Newton (MA), and Harvard (University) Planning and Real Estate, as well as a variety of private clients.

       Has served as a consultant to Harvard University in their successful endeavor to purchase and relocate the HUD-assisted Charlesview development in the Allston neighborhood of Boston. 

        Selected by FHA Commissioner Nic Retsinas to chair a HUD working group consisting of representatives from HUD, Congressional staff, OMB, Treasury, local officials, tenant organizations, and non-profit and for-profit developers.

         In 2005, served as a consultant to the National Governor’s Association initiative to assist selected States to more effectively coordinate Economic Development and Housing production planning.

         Served as a consultant, through Living Cities, Inc. to the Mayor of Gulfport, Mississippi on a wide-ranging assignment relative to the management of the City following the Katrina disaster. 

MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY                                              1983-1995

     Chief Executive Officer of this quasi-public residential lending institution with a portfolio of over $4.2 billion and a highly diverse staff of over 350 real estate, banking and support persons.  Funds are raised by accessing the taxable and tax-exempt bond markets.  The multifamily portfolio consists of over 440 multifamily rental housing developments of over 52,000 housing units; the single family housing portfolio consists of 15,000 home mortgages.

       Reinvented MHFA from a traditional public agency to a nationally acclaimed entrepreneurial organization known for its creativity and success.  Fundamental to MHFA's organizational success was the development of a performance-based management system, focused on achievement of organizational goals and objectives, with a merit-pay system, based on accomplishments.

         Attained Standard & Poor's top-tier rating based upon its financial strength and profitability, the successful implementation of sound business practices, and quality asset management of real estate portfolio.  Top-tier rating sustained through recent recession.

         Converted more than 3,000 units of distressed, inner-city, publicly assisted housing into model residential communities serving low and moderate-income families.

         Increased the real estate portfolio from $2 billion to $4.2 billion.

         Created and implemented innovative housing programs that stimulated the Massachusetts real estate economy when it was at its lowest level during the recent recession, a key element in the industry's recovery.

          Testified before congressional committees as an expert witness in housing and community development area. 

NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY                                                                             1973-1997

     Served as a member of the adjunct faculty in the Political Science Department.  Responsible for leading courses in the Masters of Public Administration program, concentrating on organizational management, utilization of management by objectives system,  and housing and community development. 

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT                   1961-                                                                                                                           1983

     Directed and supervised a staff of over 400 real estate and urban planning specialists in five HUD offices in New England.  Had final decision-making authority for HUD's FHA and public housing new construction and asset management programs.  During this period, was the recipient of the highest departmental commendation for excellence in housing production and housing management activities.  In 1976, HUD introduced a sophisticated performance-based management system in order to plan, manage, evaluate, and control HUD programs at headquarters and in the field.  This management system operated effectively until 1981. 

         Supervised Boston office as it became largest volume producer of FHA and public housing in the country.

         Developed close working relationship with mayors and other local officials while assisting neighborhood and downtown economic revitalization in the communities.


     Responsible to HUD's New England Regional Administrator to provide policy advice and asset management oversight of FHA developments, public housing and HUD-assisted State Housing Finance Agency programs in New England.


     Served as FHA chief underwriter and Director of Production for public housing and community development programs.  During this period, the Boston area office produced more housing than any other HUD office in the country.

HUD REPRESENTATIVE, NEW YORK REGIONAL OFFICE  (1961-1970)                    

     Served in various line and staff positions with increasing supervisory responsibilities in urban renewal, model cities and housing programs. 

U.S. OFFICE OF EDUCATION, Washington D.C.                        1959-1961       BUDGET ANALYST

     Reviewed various budget proposals submitted by program directors for inclusion in the president's budget.  Performed management analysis of program implementation by client agencies. 

U.S. AIR FORCE                                                                                                     1961-1962

Airman, Radar Unit.  Served in Germany during Berlin Crisis. 


Masters of Public Administration, Syracuse University, 1959

B.A., Business Administration, City College of New York, 1958 

Northeastern University, first recipient of the David W. Barkley Distinguished Public Service Award, 1999

National Public Service Award by the American Society for Public Administration and National Academy of Public Administration, 1994

Public Service Distinguished Service Award by the Rental Housing Association, as its first recipient, 1992

Leadership Award by the National Council of State Housing Agencies, 1991

Appreciation Award by the Minority Developers Association, 1991

Robert S. Swain, Jr. Distinguished Service Award by the Real Estate Finance Division of the Greater Boston Real Estate Board, as its first recipient, 1989 

Board of Directors, Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston, 1992-1999
Board of Directors, National Housing Trust, 1991-Present
President, Board of Directors, National Council of State Housing Agencies, 1993, 1994
Co-Chairman, Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), Housing Impact Advisory Panel,1993-1994
President, Board of Directors, B'nai B'rith  Housing Corporation, 1998-Present
Board of Directors, Citizens Housing and Planning Association, 1995-Present
Council Member, American Society for Public Administration, Massachusetts         Chapter, 1995 – 1999
Board Member and Executive Committee, One Economy Housing Corporation.Board Member, the Winn Companies -- current